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An open or closed watch winder?

Posted on 12 June 2024 at 12:50 PM

As watch enthusiasts, we all know the problem that an automatic watch stops when it is not worn. This is inconvenient because you have to reset the watch for time, date and possible other functions. However, standstill also leads to deterioration, because the oil in the movement is no longer properly distributed throughout the movement. Wear and tear and defects can be the result. If you have one automatic watch and wear it every day, your watch will not quickly stop. But if you have several automatic watches, downtime of the watches that you are not wearing is a problem.

You can easily solve the downtime of your automatic watches by using a watch winder. This is a device in which you place your automatic watches, which then rotate so that energy is retained in the watches. A watch winder imitates, as it were, wearing a watch. In this way, the watches are supplied with energy in a professional and safe manner so that they continue to function. This is not only useful because you can always wear your favorite watch when you want without having to rewind and adjust it, it also improves the durability of your automatic watch.

Watch winders: 2 types

When choosing a new watch winder, it is important to make a few important choices. We have already written in many articles about the motor and functionality that are important for this watch accessory. In this article we want to describe the advantages and disadvantages of open and closed watch winders.

By an open watch winder we mean a model in which the watches are not protected but directly accessible. You can immediately place the watches or remove them from the watch winder without performing any additional actions.

A closed watch winder is a model where the watches are not directly accessible. For example, you have to open a door to place or remove the watches.

The advantages and disadvantages of an open watch winder

An open watch winder has a number of advantages over a closed watch winder. This variant is more user-friendly when you want to quickly place or remove your watches. After all, you don't have any extra actions to perform. The watches are clicked into the watch winder and with a simple action you can place your favorite watch on your wrist.

Another advantage of an open watch winder is that this type is often more compact in terms of dimensions and design. Good examples are the Swiss Kubik Startbox and Masterbox models, the Benson Compact models and Paul Design Gentlemen 1 models. All these watch winders are open at the front and very compact in design. This makes it easy to place these models in a cupboard or safe. After all, you already have a door (the cupboard door or the safe door) for the watch winder and the watches are actually already shielded.

Another important advantage is that open watch winders are often cheaper than closed watch winders. Simply because fewer materials need to be used and the design is simpler. If you know that you want to place this watch accessory in a cupboard or safe, an open watch winder is a great choice.

There are also a few disadvantages to an open watch winder. With a model that cannot be locked, you (almost) always have direct access to the watches. This means that there is little protection against children's hands, dust and possible condensation. The watches are exposed to all influences, without any protection.

One of the main disadvantages of an open watch winder is that the noise level will almost always be higher than with a closed model. The reason is simple: a door closes the watch winder and reduces perceptible noise. After all, a motor and gearbox (which are located inside the watch winder) always make a certain amount of sound. With an open model, the sound is less muffled and is therefore more noticeable. With a closed model, a door blocks a certain amount of sound. If you are sensitive to noise that a watch winder makes, for example if you want to place the device next to your bed, we recommend choosing a closed model. The differences in the sound between an open and closed model can be significant, so always take this into account when choosing a suitable model.

The advantages and disadvantages of a closed watch winder

A closed watch winder has certain advantages over an open watch winder. As described above, you can completely close a closed model so that there is no direct access to the watches. Closed models are often equipped with a door with a lock. For example with a push button, key or even fingerprint. This makes these types of models well suited to be placed almost anywhere. After all, you don't have to worry about your watches. They are safe in a closed environment.

One of the most important advantages of a closed watch winder is that it produces considerably less perceptible noise. We need to explain this briefly. Every motor and gearbox make sound, to a greater or lesser extent. This depends on the quality of the motor and gearbox, but certainly also on use. Always make sure that the motors are stopped when you want to insert or remove a watch. Holding the holder while the engine is running will put stress on the motor and gearbox and increase the risk of failure. A consequence that we regularly see when the motors are not stopped is that the motors make significantly more noise or even stop functioning completely. A repair is the result.

A closed watch winder ensures that the motor and gearbox sounds are less noticeable. This is an important advantage because every watch enthusiast prefers a watch winder that is as quiet as possible. If you place your watch winder in your bedroom, it is important that you choose a brand that offers motors with a low noise level and that this watch accessory can be closed.

A disadvantage of a closed watch winder is the price. This is considerably higher than with open models. This makes sense because the design is more complex and more materials/parts are needed for production.


Whether an open or closed watch winder suits you better depends entirely on your preferences. If you can place the watch accessory in a cupboard or safe, you can opt for an open model. If the noise level is not that important to you, an open model is also a good choice, as you will save money on the purchase.